Welcome to Mystical Angel Healings!

swing on a beach

Are you ready to start living your dream life?

Receive guidance from your angels and guides to help you heal, find clarity and start living your best life.

You’re craving:

  • mother and son at beach

    A fulfilling life

  • Self-worth

  • feather falling into hand

    Healing Guidance

But you’ve got questions . . .


Can you trust me? After all, there are a few psychics out there who aren’t legit. Remember Miss Cleo in the 90s?

Should you make an investment in yourself by booking a reading? How do you know I’ll provide accurate readings? You want to make sure you actually get something for your money!

And just exactly how much work is involved on your part in the healing process?

I get that!

  • I started my own spiritual journey in 2017 so I know where you are. You can read more about that here. During my healing I realized that my soul's purpose is to help people heal and rediscover themselves, listen to them with no judgment and live a happier and healthier life.

    I am certified in the following:

    Usui Shiki Ryoho Certified Reiki Therapist Level One March 10, 2019

    Certified Akashic Record Reader Completed Unlock the Power of Your Soul class Amber Maier Academy July 6, 2021

    Basic DNA ThetaHealing Practitioner using the techniques taught by Vianna Stibal, founder of ThetaHealing, February 27, 2022

    Angel Alchemy Academy Certification Course taught by Corin Grillo May 4, 2022

  • I encourage you to think of this process as an energetic exchange and not one of tangible goods. What you’ll get is a reading straight from the Divine full of love, light, and positivity. You’ll leave your session encouraged and uplifted!

  • But it will all be worth it! At first it might be a bit uncomfortable or challenging. However, it is important work and you’ll soon notice that your life will be more fulfilled, full of joy and ease.


With your reading you’ll get meaningful guidance from Spirit, your guides, and loved ones on the other side.

I’m offering you a supportive healing space where we can explore what is causing you fear or holding you back. All services are tailored to your specific needs. 

Please take a look at my offerings and let's get started.

What People Are Saying


“I felt happy and relaxed after my reading. I had felt a little frustrated before about how much longer I will be trying to heal. She gave me very useful healing advice to be in nature and spend more time balancing my chakras which I think will help a lot. She has a very gentle and loving presence. Totally felt safe and comfortable with her. She is very caring and kind, easy to talk to and a great listener!”

— Helena M.

“Connie has the ability to fully let go of outcomes. She shared what she saw and felt, all of which could not be more accurate. I could feel the connection, and at one point, I swear I could see the energy of the angel standing behind me in the camera as Connie was describing it. She made so many connections, such as birds and music. The birds have been coming out in the most unusual way and Connie confirmed this connection. The music is a big one, I am a singer but in hiding. The message was strong, that I should do more of this to bring joy as my angels quite like it, they also said it would be nice if I danced more. I will be taking everything Connie said into my world, I plan to start singing again, perhaps even joining a dance class!”

— Christine C.

“I felt really serene after my session with Connie. She has a very gentle approach to healing and is really good at grounding you for your session.”

— Tracey C.


Angel Alchemy Academy

Angel Alchemy Academy

theta healing

Theta Healing Institute of Knowledge