
Welcome to Mystical Angel Healings

I’m Connie, an intuitive empath and I’ve been on my healing journey the last 5 years.

In 2017 my Mother passed away and then a month later my husband of 24 years asked for a divorce. This was not a shock to me, our marriage was very toxic and not healthy for me at all. Remember, rejection is protection!

Even though I knew divorce was the best thing that could happen to me, my ego wouldn’t accept it. I talked him into going to counseling and at our first session he crossed his arms and states “I like being single!” I’m thinking “although we're separated we are still married.”  Several months later we were divorced. I know this divorce was divinely guided, everything just went so smoothly and in my favor. I could feel my Mom’s presence with me, I could smell her and I could talk to her in my dreams. She sent me clear messages not to take him back when he would want a second chance. And he did try to come back and much to his surprise, I had boundaries! Shortly after that one night while I was just beginning to fall asleep, I heard my Mom whisper in my ear “I love you” and I felt her kiss me on my cheek, and then she was gone. I’m sure she pops in every once in a while to check on me and my Dad too, but he was always such a quiet man.

In the meantime, I found Corin Grillo, The Inner Sanctum, on Facebook and she was offering a free 21 days of Angelmas, so I immediately signed up! I have always had a strong relationship with my Guardian Angel and always knew that I had Angelic protection so I was really drawn to this program.  This was my first Christmas alone and boy did I need this healing. Then I was hooked so I joined The Inner Sanctum and started my healing  journey with the Angels. The healing process is ugly and painful but I didn’t stop. I knew I was being divinely guided. I joined healing programs, read books, took classes and finally I joined Corin’s Angel Alchemy Academy. I knew I was highly intuitive and empathic so when I joined I thought I was just going to learn ThetaHealing, Akashic Records, channeling, learn to strengthen my clairs and read Oracle cards. Little did I know how hard, scary and challenging this was going to be for me.

But it was also the best thing I could have ever done for myself. I have grown and healed so much in the Academy. I have so much more confidence, self esteem and I really like the person I’m becoming, the healing is never done. Also through this process I’ve learnt that part of my soul's purpose is to help people heal and rediscover themselves, listen to them with no judgment and live a happier and healthier life.

I look forward to joining you on your spiritual journey!